The Gradspot Awards 2009

Here at Gradspot, we make it our business to troll the Web for anything that can help readers with their transition to life after college. While our writers and guest bloggers have tons of tips, tricks, and jokes of their own, we know that there’s a lot of other great content out there to share—whether that’s a library of company profiles from Vault or a hilarious video from Jake and Amir. So, in the spirit of honoring those who help us serve you better, we decided to throw together the first annual Gradspot Awards. Who knows—this time next year the ceremony could be on SpikeTV. (Put it this way: it wouldn't be the worst awards show they've ever aired!)
Without further ado...Carrot Top, the envelopes please.
Best Career Blog
Lindsey Pollak
Runner Up: Water Cooler Wisdom
Best Career Resource
Runner Up: QuintCareers
Best Apartment Site
Apartment Therapy
Runner Up:
Best Personal Finance Site
I'll Teach You How to Get Rich
Runner Up: Young Money
Best Personal Finance Tool
Best Site for Aspiring Chefs
Food Network
Runner Up: Epicurious
Best Place to Procrastinate
Jake and Amir
Runner Up: MTV Music
Best Place to Listen to Free Music
Runner Up: imeem