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Q&A with Ning CEO Gina Bianchini - Part II

In Part II of our chat with Ning.com CEO Gina Bianchini, we discussed ways that recent grads can use Ning to help them with their transition to life after college. If you didn’t see Part I, do yourself a favor and check it out. ...

By Christopher Schonberger on 7/15/08

Do You Like to "Do It Yourself"!?!?

Global warming and the rising cost of oil are forcing AC users to face a conundrum: kill the environment and your wallet, or perspire to the point that you genuinely find PBR's "refreshing." Luckily, there's a compromise....

By Chris Zoia on 7/14/08

Notes from the First Summer

I'll never forget one particular Saturday night in July the summer after graduating college. Two months earlier, I was the king of the world. I had taken my last final exam, I was juggling multiple girls at once, and my little brother in the fraternity...

By on 7/14/08

The Art of Air-Conditioning

Air-conditioning is a godsend in these swamp-ass-inducing months, but anyone who bought a window unit this summer quickly realized that manufacturers don’t waste too much time with aesthetics....

By Joan Mitchell on 7/09/08

Landlord a Pain in the Arse?

Isn’t it reassuring to see that our British peers across the pond also have to deal with the occasional landlord from hell? The entries at thesite.org.uk provide both witty horror-stories from disgruntled tenants and tips for renters who might face the most common landlord issues...

By Chris Zoia on 7/03/08

Subletting and the City

Don’t have an apartment yet for the summer? Getting tired of sleeping on a different friend’s couch every week or looking at apartments that you’re not ready to commit to for a year? It’s time to think about subletting. ...

By Christopher Schonberger on 6/26/08

Watch Out, Stuart Little!

This makeshift mousetrap is simply a masterclass. [Via Metafilter] ...

By Christopher Schonberger on 6/20/08

Stuck Inside of Mobile With The Subterranean Homesick Blues

Come gather round people wherever you roam, Things Have Changed. Well, of course they have, change is constant. That is fact, but it hasn´t stopped me from raging against it for most of my young life...

By Tom Wiseman on 6/19/08

The Gradspot.com Graduation Gift Guide

Commencement season is finally over, but for many the touchy subject of the graduation gift has yet to be broached. Let’s be honest—if you just graduated, you’re probably expecting a little more than a fake diploma and a pat on the back....

By Gradspot Dot Com on 6/12/08

The Best Commencement Speeches of 2008

Another commencement season has come and gone, leaving in its wake the collective words of hundreds of eminent writers, politicians, and thinkers. (Also, Chuck Norris made a speech.) Since graduates are generally too dizzy with excitement...

By Christopher Schonberger on 6/09/08
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