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Looking for a Job? Buy Trip Insurance

One of the silver linings of being unemployed and look for a job is that you are pretty open in terms of making plans and doing fun things (provided you have any money to spend)....

By Keshav Singh on 1/12/09

Video: Gossip Girl Rap

'Round these parts we make no apologies for our love of Gossip Girl, so we have to shout out "The Southern Mothers" for "Dear Gossip Girl," a grown and sexy ode to the most mysterious woman in the world. I've never been this attracted
To a voice without a body
Since I heard Orson Welles
Read Rikki Tikki Tavi

By Christopher Schonberger on 1/09/09

Tao of Teaching: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Taoists! I am returned safe and sound from my travels in the land of the Mayas! During the holidays I packed up my bag and set off for a month of solo exploration around Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. ...

By Tom Wiseman on 1/08/09

Cheap Luxury: Gorgonzola and Bacon Pasta

The New Year always brings new promises. Sadly, in a recession, some of those promises don't bode well for the wallet. In times like these, it is important to think about stocking your pantry with affordable bits and pieces that can form truly wonderful meals...

By Nick Schonberger on 1/06/09

Happy Holidays from Gradspot.com!

It's been an exciting year here at Gradspot, and we want to thank everyone who came to the site, left a comment, shared an article on Facebook, told their friends about us, or did anything else to support "the cause." To show our gratitude, we will continue to offer The Gradspot.com Guide to Life After College for free!!!! ...

By Gradspot Dot Com on 12/24/08

Load Up on Car Insurance During a Recession

The Wall Street Journal reports an alarming rise in uninsured drivers during tough economic times. Makes sense, but unfortunately it doesn't affect only the people who choose to drive without car insurance. As the article explains, "The trend is bad news for everybody on the road....

By Jason Richards on 12/22/08

Grammar Thugs

Only in Paris do strange men feel entitled to correct your grammar while simultaneously accosting you in the middle of the sidewalk. In the wee hours of last Saturday morning, I was traipsing through the streets of the Marais looking for that rare Parisian luxury—an empty cab. This is a recurring, if futile, exercise in my life here. ...

By Tory Hoen on 12/19/08

DIY Holiday

We're now entering the peak of holiday season, and you may be struck with the sudden urge to throw a holiday party or just make your apartment a little more Christmasy...or Hannukah-y...or Kwanza-y...or whatever. The good news is, it doesn't have to break the bank. Tiny Tim is in fashion this year, so don't be ashamed to make a budget and check it twice....

By Dan Marley on 12/16/08

Surviving the 2009 Recession

It’s fun to live in times like these when you can open up your browser and read articles with titles like Why the Jobs Report Is So Ominous. It really brightens up the day and puts a spring in one’s step...

By Christopher Schonberger on 12/15/08

I Heart Top 10 Lists

December is fully upon us, and you know what that means—it’s officially the International Month of Top Ten Lists. From “Top 10 Adopted Children of the Year” to “Top 10 Photos of Stock Brokers Looking Depressed,” it’s safe to say that you can find it all somewhere on the web....

By Joan Mitchell on 12/12/08
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