What NOT to Do in a Job Interview
Feeling bad about forgetting to bring your resume to an interview or missing a cue to talk about your summer in Ecuador? Don’t worry, it could have been way worse. Reuters has a piece on the top 10 interview gaffes from a CareerBuilder.com survey of hiring managers. While some of the blunders are pretty amusing, the survey also offers some more useful data that anyone going through the interviewing process should take note of:
More than half -- 51 percent -- said dressing inappropriately was the biggest mistake a candidate could make in an interview.
Talking negatively about a current or previous employer came in second at 49 percent and third in the list at 48 percent was appearing disinterested.
A little unexpected gas or coffee-spilling convulsion can blindside the best of us, but these are mistakes that can easily be avoided.
Via Neatorama
Bonus: How NOT to conduct a job interview