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30 in 30: Don't Get Discouraged

According to the outplacement firm Challenger, Gray and Christmas, the average job search lasts four months. Now that we are in a recession and hiring has tightened up significantly in many industries, it may take even longer. The key is to maintain realistic expectations...

By Gradspot Dot Com on 1/05/09

Cheap Luxury: Gorgonzola and Bacon Pasta

The New Year always brings new promises. Sadly, in a recession, some of those promises don't bode well for the wallet. In times like these, it is important to think about stocking your pantry with affordable bits and pieces that can form truly wonderful meals...

By Nick Schonberger on 1/06/09

Join a Gym While Prices Are Low

It's the first Monday after New Year's, and every chaunce and his grandma has made a resolution to "get fit." The bad news is, you probably won't actually follow through on your plans to work out more (only joking). The good news is that for once, your motivations are actually aligned with the gym's....

By Christopher Schonberger on 1/05/09

Happy Holidays from Gradspot.com!

It's been an exciting year here at Gradspot, and we want to thank everyone who came to the site, left a comment, shared an article on Facebook, told their friends about us, or did anything else to support "the cause." To show our gratitude, we will continue to offer The Gradspot.com Guide to Life After College for free!!!! ...

By Gradspot Dot Com on 12/24/08

Load Up on Car Insurance During a Recession

The Wall Street Journal reports an alarming rise in uninsured drivers during tough economic times. Makes sense, but unfortunately it doesn't affect only the people who choose to drive without car insurance. As the article explains, "The trend is bad news for everybody on the road....

By Jason Richards on 12/22/08

Grammar Thugs

Only in Paris do strange men feel entitled to correct your grammar while simultaneously accosting you in the middle of the sidewalk. In the wee hours of last Saturday morning, I was traipsing through the streets of the Marais looking for that rare Parisian luxury—an empty cab. This is a recurring, if futile, exercise in my life here. ...

By Tory Hoen on 12/19/08

Guest Blog: Top 5 Ways to Spend Less During the Holidays

Christmas and Hanukkah are rapidly approaching and there are thousands of shoppers who plan on invading the stores over the next ten days to go shopping for the folks on their gift lists. If you're one of the unfortunate few who have hours of hectic holiday shopping ahead of you, you may want to keep the following money-saving tips in mind as you search for the perfect gift....

By Gradspot Dot Com on 12/18/08

Top 10 Recession Tips

There is a silver-lining to the news that the US has been in a recession since last year: it means that if you’re reading this, you’re already surviving a recession, so keep up the good work....

By Christopher Schonberger on 12/18/08

Let Your Friends Pay Your Rent

A friend of mine just lost his job and is very concerned about making his December rent payment. So what can he do to raise some cash? Throw a houseparty! (We can easily figure out where this road can take us from watching any of the college moves we've come to love.) Surprisingly enough, there's actually a history behind this concept, AND an official name: "Rent Party." ...

By Stuart Schultz on 12/17/08

DIY Holiday

We're now entering the peak of holiday season, and you may be struck with the sudden urge to throw a holiday party or just make your apartment a little more Christmasy...or Hannukah-y...or Kwanza-y...or whatever. The good news is, it doesn't have to break the bank. Tiny Tim is in fashion this year, so don't be ashamed to make a budget and check it twice....

By Dan Marley on 12/16/08
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