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"I Wanted to Do Hoodrat Stuff with My Friends!"

Remember the Aussie “party boy” who blew up the ‘nets a few months ago by talking smack to news presenter? Well, this 7-year-old prankster from Dallas puts him to shame while reminding us all of a fundamental truth: “It’s fun to do bad things.” ...

By Christopher Schonberger on 5/01/08

Vanessa Carlton Dances with an Invisible Neo in the Matrix

Everyone loves "1,000 Miles," but Vanessa Carlton is having a laugh with her new video for "White Houses." This dance routine is like Flashdance meets Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, only much more embarrassing and terrible. It also looks like she might make out with her doppelganger at one point... ...

By Christopher Schonberger on 4/29/08

Fast Typing!

TypeRacer is a free online game that could get Mavis Beacon’s panties wet. The goal is literally to type various sentences as fast as possible. Since I still rock the two-finger tango like my muse Tom Brokaw, I am horrible...

By Christopher Schonberger on 4/29/08

How to Dress "Business Casual"

Despite being overly generic, umbrella terms for different styles of dress generally get the point across in a reasonably clear manner. When someone says “euro,” you immediately think tight pants, aggressive dress shirts, and unsafe amounts of hair gel. “Formal business” evokes jackets and ties for men...

By Jason Richards on 4/28/08

Customizing Yourself on the Job-Hunt

Beginning a cover letter by saying, “I can haz dream Job? My rezumez! let me showz u thm," may seem like self-sabatotage. But what if you’re applying for a position at a site called I Can Haz Cheezburger? Then perhaps you’ve just ingeniously separated yourself from the pack… ...

By Christopher Schonberger on 4/24/08

Notes from the New Continent

Buenos Dias! I am feeling good about life in my new city and beginning to settle in. Perched high on the desert plain between two mountain ranges, San Luis Potosi is a city with a population of...

By Tom Wiseman on 4/23/08

The Ultimate Mac and Cheese

Macaroni and Cheese was a staple of my childhood. Not in a good way, though. Moreso in a lonely, "eating a box of Velveeta Shells and Cheese while the rest of the family is off gallivanting somewhere else" way. Yet, for some reason, the allure of one of America's greatest comfort foods never wained. ...

By Nick Schonberger on 4/22/08

Surviving the Apartment Rush

Amongst the 30-odd percent of this year’s grads who don’t move back home with their parents, the housing rush is about to get on and popping. Because most jobs start in late spring or early fall, these are generally very competitive times to find apartments....

By Keshav Singh on 4/22/08

Watching Vice.TV

Many of us have always known Vice Magazine for its risqué photo shoots, hilarious “Dos and Donts” section, and bohemian infatuation with sex, drugs, and other taboo subjects. While the magazine’s articles are often provocative and exceedingly clever, you have to be able to stomach some pretty weird...

By Christopher Schonberger on 4/18/08

How Bad Is the Job Market for '08 Grads?

If you’re an ’08 grad and your only firm plans for life after graduation are moving back home, don’t beat yourself up about it too much—at least you can blame the “economy” when your parents ask you why you don’t have a job yet. ...

By Joan Mitchell on 4/18/08
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