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Neighbor from Hell

Last week, we explained how to handle a landlord from hell. This week, we address a subspecies I like to call the neighbor from hell. In college, they could be bad enough: one more headache from weed smoke and you swore you’d tell your RA. In the real world, neighbors can be much...

By Josie Swindler on 4/05/07

Understanding Paid Time Off

One of the perks of graduating from the land of internships and table-waiting to a full-time job is paid time off. Meaning your company will pay you when you’re not there—in the form of vacation days, sick days, and personal days. Although not all U.S companies are required to give...

By Jennifer Pollock on 9/17/07

Dos and Don'ts of the Business Meal

College life is not known for nurturing manners (though providing the Sizzurp for your roommate’s birthday could be considered polite). Unfortunately, once you arrive in the business world, your job will often depend on...

By Molly Martin on 10/03/07

IM Etiquette at Work

When my boss at my first job asked for my AIM screename, I was a bit taken aback. It was hard to imagine translating what I’d known as a night-before-the-paper’s due procrastination device into a professional communication tool. And my debut...

By Jennifer Pollock on 10/11/07

FPF: Week Ending Nov. 16

By Gradspot Dot Com on 9/11/07

FPF: Week Ending Nov. 9

We at Gradspot.com know how hard it is to stay on top of what’s going on in the world. In order to help you out, we’ve created Front Page Flash, a weekly roundup of the biggest news stories that we think you should know about. We want to make it simple to soak up the top stories...

By Gradspot Dot Com on 10/03/07

The Reunion Commandments

This weekend I attended a big football rivalry that doubles as a reunion weekend for my alma mater. Basically, everyone stands in a massive field for six hours drinking heavily and engaging in a seemingly endless stream of 30-second conversations. It’s like speed-dating...

By Christopher Schonberger on 11/28/07

Thanksgiving for Slackers

Here at Gradspot, we love Chowhound like a fat kid loves…Chowhound. Not only does it tell you where to find the best nachos and how to make delicious homemade candy bars, but it also has our back when the holiday season...

By Christopher Schonberger on 9/13/07

File Under "Inappropriate!"

What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen on Craigslist? (And don’t say your apartment!?) One time I saw an ad from a dude who was selling a red bicycle but would only sell it in-person to an “Asian girl.” I too enjoy meeting Asian girls, but I have to say...

By Christopher Schonberger on 10/29/07

Japanese Dogs Go Hard

If you’re anything like me, the only thing keeping you from getting a pet is the fact that it would be wildly irresponsible. Take away the long work hours, the cramped apartment, and the transient lifestyle, and I would buy a dog in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, those are the realities ...

By Christopher Schonberger on 3/14/08
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